Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices and Perceptions on COVID-19 among University Students in Bangladesh
Shabbir Ahmed 1 * , Md. Modasser Ali 1, Jaoad Hasan 1
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1 Development Studies Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna-9208, BANGLADESH* Corresponding Author


Objectives: The purpose of this study is to understand the knowledge, attitudes, practices and perceptions on COVID-19 among Bangladeshi university students.
Materials and Methods: This online cross sectional study reached conveniently selected university students to fill up the structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was comprised with regarding their demographic, knowledge, attitudes, practices and perceptions based variables which was then analyzed using descriptive statistics, Student’s t-test and under multivariate technique, MANOVA.
Results: Study found positive knowledge of students, identifying symptoms (100%), possible medium of transmission (82.7% chose correctly) and chose elderly population as mostly jeopardized due to COVID-19. More than 36% consider themselves to be infected with within more than 2 weeks and more than 75% were feared of transmission after being infected with COVID-19. Practices of prevention measures were also different across the place of residence.  There was no difference in mean perceptions on COVID-19
Conclusion: This research is one of the first attempts to study the knowledge, attitudes, practices and perceptions on COVID-19 among Bangladeshi university students. The study emphasizes university students as they are supposed to be the most educated than average population. Their awareness would improve overall community awareness and slow the transmission.


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Article Type: Original Article

J CONTEMP STUD EPIDEMIOL PUBLIC HEALTH, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2021, Article No: ep21003

Publication date: 04 Jan 2021

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