The Need for Vitamin D Supplementation among Elderly and Musculoskeletal Pain Patients: A Factor to Mitigate the Severity of COVID-19 in Bangladesh
Mohammad Ali 1 2 3 *
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1 Uttara Adhunik Medical College and Hospital, BANGLADESH2 Bangladesh University of Professionals, BANGLADESH3 North South University, BANGLADESH* Corresponding Author


25-Hydroxyvitamin D (Vitamin D) is an important vitamin for humans of all ages. Though this vitamin exists in some foods, Sunlight and regular exercise are needed to synthesis this vitamin in our body. In Bangladesh, the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in elderly people and patients with musculoskeletal pain is very high. Furthermore, the association between vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19 outcome has been proved. However, in this pandemic situation, to prevent the spread of coronavirus-19, peoples are advised to stay at home as much as possible that abstains from exposure to Sun and outdoor exercise. To mitigate this problem elderly people and patients with musculoskeletal pain should take vitamin D supplementary in this pandemic period in Bangladesh.


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Article Type: Letter to Editor

J CONTEMP STUD EPIDEMIOL PUBLIC HEALTH, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2020, Article No: ep20005

Publication date: 04 Aug 2020

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